Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ghosts and Politicians in Georgetown

Friends of Georgetown History are looking for your personal ghost stories that have taken place in the neighborhood. They're gearing up for their third annual Halloween tour, which I have been looking forward to since the moment that the last one ended last October.

The Friends of Georgetown History is gearing up for the 3rd annual Haunted History tour and we are in search of ghost stories.

Did you know Georgetown is one of the most haunted areas of the city? Two of our buildings are on the national register of most haunted places.

What can you do to help? Well answer the following questions - then hit reply and tell us about your experience.

Have you heard or seen anything in and around your house, studio or drinking establishment?

Have you heard an unexplained voice when you were alone?

Have you heard footsteps when you knew you were alone in your buiding?

We want to hear from you.....of particular interest is of the Rainier Brewery/ Georgetown Funeral Home and anywhere on Flora or Ellis.

Several people have already come forward to tell their stories - one of a voice which advised them not to paint over a particular color in a space which was being redecorated.

Another neighbor experiences a presence nearly every night at the same time in the same place upstairs in her house.

I took last year's tour with a city council staffer who was so impressed that she said she thought everyone on City Council should be required to attend. Maybe someone will invite this fall's city council candidates to come back for the Halloween tour when they all appear in Georgetown on October 2 for a South Seattle Candidates Forum. The details:

Tuesday, October 2
6:30 p.m. at the Georgetown Ballroom
5623 Airport Way S.

Kathy Nyland has said she'd like all the questions to be of interest to South Seattle residents and supporters, and I have a Beacon Hill question that I'm working on. If you have any questions you'd like addressed, send them to Kathy. I'm not sure she wants me to post her e-mail address here, but I will send it to you if you're interested. (Or maybe you can volunteer it up in the comments, Kathy?)

1 comment:

  1. As you wish, Julie! Comments can be sent to me at alamodem@earthlink.net

    We started organizing this forum months ago. Though it is being hosted in Georgetown, it's open to anyone. The more the merrier!

    We're hoping for a strong turnout to show that the Southend is a presence and should be taken seriously so mark your calendars for October 2.

    All questions are welcome. If you have a specific one or would like to see a particular issue addressed, feel free to contact me.

    We have a great moderator lined up and are looking forward to the event.

    Thanks for the plug, J.

