I ran into George before the party, and Kathy and Holly helped me dress up my cool last-minute gift of a cute apron for the birthday girl. (Thank you, thank you.)
Sarah at CJ's let us eat cake.
It was too loud to follow this performance very closely, but I think it depicted a witch trial involving cannibalism and the sexual abuse of a couple of German children. Cute!
I'd hoped to meet Erika of Full Throttle Bottles, even though I was two hours late to the belly-dancing performance she'd told me about. So we headed that way.
I saw her car (or, at least, a car with her name on it parked right outside her shop), but the place was locked up. Another time...
We dropped in Georgetown Tile Works, where I did not recognize Amie from Friends of Georgetown History because I'm kind of dumb that way, and besides, I'd never met her out of costume before.
On our way back to the car, we got pulled into Lucky's Choppers ("Psst. Hey. Do you guys like guitars? Come check this out.") to see this guy's amazing handmade guitars.
He ran out of cards so I don't know his name, but I'm sure some of you do.
Prefer blurry photos from a G-town wannabe to thoughtful, provocative commentary from someone who actually lives there? I thought so! Vote for me at Metroblogging Seattle, if their poll is working.
Dammit! The ballot box is resisting being stuffed at the moment. I'll try again later. I noticed that (in Safari, at least) the first radio button is still enabled, but the other four aren't. I suspect fraud. If you lose, demand a recount. (If you win, FIGHT THE RECOUNT!)
That guitar shop in Lucky's Choppers is Patrick Dolan who makes very custom guitars. His no. is 206-450-5039 if you want to touch base with him.
No, just one bar. But, I didn't think of that either. They should just declare it a dead heat and advance us both.
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