"This is a personal neighborhood photo blog about the areas surrounding Mid Beacon Hill in South Seattle, and about other things I see, like, and do."
So here are photos of plants in my Mid Beacon Hill yard on Bloom Day.
Royal purple smoke tree, genus name Cotinus.

Viburnum, an evergreen. It would develop metallic blue berries if it ever got pollinated by a mate plant. I should get it one. I want everyone to be happy here.

I should bring these succulents in for the winter, but I doubt that I will. They'll probably come back anyway.

Raspberries in mid-November. I was surprised.

A couple of Ceanothus "Julia Phelps" blooms.

Ceanothus "Point Reyes."

Some beautiful little sedum.

Donkey tail Euphorbia.

"Angelina," the most thuggish of all the sedums.


I haven't weeded in months, and it shows.

Beautyberry. (Callicarpia?)


Speaking of plants, I went to a birthday party at a plant store last night.
First I drank aquavit at the Copper Gate in Ballard.

Arthur told us about a funny YouTube video that I still haven't looked up yet. He told us to search for "judas priest shreds." It must be this.

OK, anyway, the party was at the Palm Room on Ballard Avenue.

They had lots of gorgeous air plants.

And a big gray cat.

We got there early, before anyone else. Except the man of the hour.

We drank Sangiovese until midnight then went home.