On the way to Flower World we stopped at the Woodinville Taco Time.
A box of Mexi-fries basking in the sunshine. Sublime.

Flower World is big and nice. Everyone loves Flower World. so I don't need to say much about it. They have a lot of stuff, it's clean and tidy, and they grow 90% of what they sell. And they pipe out way too much harp music.


Last year I did a lot of nursery browsing; now I can spot a baby Cryptomeria from 50 yards away.

Cryptomeria japonica 'cristata." I have five of these in my backyard. I'm not sure they're going to make it.

Oh, maybe this post is on theme after all. This cedar is called "Beacon Hill."

A sign warns of escaping turtles. My husband's on the lookout.

There's an iris farm next door.