My beloved smoke tree.

The sedum are filling in, bless their little hearts.

The moss is slower, but it's coming along too.

The ceanothus is blooming just a little bit.

The moles are digging the soft soil.

The grass is full of moss. I'm OK with that.

I'm not sure this cryptomeria is going to make it.

The others are looking a bit better.

I've heard they don't transplant well, but this strawberry tree seems to be doing just fine so far.

If you happen to want another Arbutus unedo, let me know. Mine's been in a pot for a couple of years and needs to be planted out, but I don't have any place to put it!
Is moss bad for grass?
I like moss.
I don't think moss is bad for grass. Some people say that moss crowds out grass, but I think it's just opportunistic and will grow in the spaces where grass isn't growing.
I could be wrong.
Since we don't water the lawn, the moss is the greenest, softest part of the lawn for most of the summer.
I think everything looks really nice!
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