From Sunday's Seattle Times:
And while district officials say health and safety issues are always a priority, just last week lead-based paint was flaking onto the playground at Van Asselt Elementary School — a problem the district identified 10 years ago. ... Tests have shown the paint contains up to 30 percent lead, well above the federal standard of 0.06 percent.
According to the story, district spokesman David Tucker said that lead paint is common on old buildings and isn't a problem until it begins to peel.
Yeah, well...
The school district is claiming to have fixed some of the problems at Van Asselt already:
Over the past several years at Van Asselt, the district has replaced the roof and flooring and fixed windows and broken bathroom-door locks. But it hasn't blocked access to the roof, which has been subject to vandalism, and tetherball poles on the playground are in bad shape.
But from first-hand experience three days ago, I can say that the bathroom door locks are not fixed.
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