Sad heather.
Despondent heather.
I can't tell if this is going to look cool-weird (like the Cryptomeria) or shitty-weird, this planting-grasses-in-rocks thing.
I guess we'll find out.
That Euphorbia had self-seeded in the front.
The spouse wanted this zebra miscanthus. In general, I'm not crazy about variegation on leaves.
I can't get enough of the Autumn Joy type sedums right now. The unseasonal colors, the weird leathery texture. They seem primordial.
This Point Reyes Ceanothus has had no complaints yet.
I'll spare you from individual portraits of the Cryptomeria this time.
OK, just one.
A lot of plum crisps have gone unmade this year.
I want these Julia Phelps Ceanothuses to grow into a hedge-type barrier. Should I try to move them father apart or let them be this close? They're already touching, and they're only to about 3 feet of their eventual 7 feet.
Wow. Look how little they were just 6 months ago. You can barely even see them in this photo.
May I show you a couple more photos from back in March?
My Red Dragon on March 18:
My Red Dragon on March 21:
My Red Dragon in mid-September:
I know real gardeners are probably all done freaking out how much plants can grow in one season, but me, I'm still astounded. If these things that we take to our homes can grow 100 times their original size in 6 months, what the hell else might they do when we're not looking?
Another thing that happened when I wasn't paying attention. Bars started projecting pro-drinking messages on the walls. Last night at Chop Suey.
I was there to see Editors, my second-favorite band from Birmingham, England. (DD 4-EVER!)
I'll sign off with a couple of photos of things for sale at the Columbia City Farmers' Market today. (I bought 5 pounds of heirloom tomatoes, 8 Skagit Valley Farms pork chops, and some goat cheese from Bainbridge Island.)
I love that Bainbridge Island goat cheese. I wonder what a "Bears Tooth" is? Is there an apostrophe in there that I can't see? Perhaps it's a kind of mushroom? The mysteries of the farmers' market...
What are you gonna do w/ all that food?
(If it was me, I'd move those Julias farther apart.)
Bear's Tooth is a mushroom, I think. Definitely a fungus of some sort.
I used all that food to make dinner for book club. I kind of went overboard:
-Roasted figs with goat cheese and pecans
-Bread and gorgonzola
-Tomato salad with dijon vinaigrette
-Steamed green beans lightly pan-fried in olive oil and finished with a sprinkling of Chianti vinegar and salt
-Rosemary pan-fried pork chops
-Plum crisp
-Kinder Surprises
And I think I will move those Julias, next weekend.
I'm guessing that it's a malapropism, and should be spelled "bares teeth".
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