In fact, this very post is based on an idea I stole from him.
This was before I started uploading my photos to Flickr, so the pictures all look like crap. I won't bother reposting any of them here. However, I'll reprint my winning entry from a dirty limerick contest at a gay St. Patrick's Day birthday party I attended that month:
Our friend Sonny's exceedingly hot
The boys they all like him a lot
And the girls, how they sigh
With a tear in their eye
When they find out he doesn't like twat
April was the month that I started taking lots of pictures of Georgetown.

April was also the month that I started stalking Ciscoe Morris. This is not really true. I just like taking pictures of his planting strip.

This is not a particularly good or interesting photo, but it features the plant genus that I have been obsessed with this year. Whenever I see it in bloom, I'm stunned by just how blue it is. Ceanothus!

This month it seems like I did nothing but take pictures of the darling buds of May.
Joy Creek Nursery in Scappoose, Oregon.

My yard.

And Ciscoe's yard, of course.

Over Memorial Day weekend, we visited Rich Art's yard in Centralia.

In June, the Georgetown dump proposal was killed.
I took more pictures Ciscoe's yard.

Beacon Hill held its first garden walk.

And Georgetown had a carnival.

July was a month of firsts.
I learned how to use the closeup button on my point-and-shoot.

I visited Hartstene Island and spent over $30 on a bottle of wine.

I toured the Rainier Cold Storage Building.

We built a handsome little fence.

And we went to Toronto for no good reason.

1 comment:
Hi! I mostly lurk your blog, but I wanted to say how much I enjoy it! For a "ripped off" idea, you did a great job making it your own! Happy New Year!
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