Last night we stopped by the grand opening party at
Great Stuff, an antique shop on Airport Way.

I'm pretty familiar with their inventory, which I used to admire at the Pacific Galleries Antique Mall in Sodo. With Great Stuff and Planet Oranj out of the Antique Mall, we'll have little reason to go there anymore. Though last time I was there, I got these cool X-ray viewers, which we put on the far wall of our living room, on the weird wood paneling, here.

I blew up some of the
photos I took at the Rainier Cold Storage Building and am displaying those right now.

Anyway, back to the party. Lots of people showed up.

Including that cool guy who's tended bar at Calamity Jane's and Smarty Pants. I'd already been drinking, and I couldn't remember how I knew him, and he's very friendly, and I gave him a hug. Anyway, sir, I'm sorry for being so forward and hugging you without even knowing your name. You're always so nice that I feel like I know you!

We're hungry, so we head to Georgetown Liquor Company.

This way.

I wonder how many billions of dollars and hundreds of lives he'll take from us in the next 430 days. When he took office, he inherited a record budget surplus from Bill Clinton, and he quickly turned it into a record deficit. There's fiscal conservatism for you. Anyway. Just saying.