A couple of neighbors joined us for dinner at Jules Maes, then we all walked over to Full Throttle Bottles afterward to pick out a bottle of wine or some weird beer or yummy cider or whatever.

And Erika told us they were about to have their grand opening party and that we should stick around. So we did.
There were hors d'oeuvres and music in the back room.

The Field Roast people were cooking up some sweet (at left) and spicy (at right) hot links.

I talked to LaDele from Friends of Georgetown History about her latest postcard find and one of the Field Roast partners about her naturopath business in that Georgetown space where the CPA psychic used to be.
We admired John Bennett's jukebox collection.

I especially enjoyed the German chocolate-y cake and the Black Cherry Cream Soda. Thanks, Erika (and kilt dude whose name I can't remember because I am lame), and good luck to you guys with your beautiful little store.